Luciano Accomando
Giulia Fragiglio, Lollo Franco, Maurizio Bologna, Stefania Blandeburgo, Salvo Piparo, Giuditta Perriera, Antonino Rao, Salvatore Lo Cascio, Andrea San Brunone, Peppe Lana
Scianel is a young girl from the ZEN (a public housing project neighborhood) in the city of Palermo an area on the outskirts of Palermo, who is not able to give a name or a form to her diversity. She knows she’s “weird” but hasn’t understood to what extent yet. When, during a workshop, she discovers her talent for painting, her world changes: what she draws comes to life, it develops a soul.
Even if for her this gift becomes a surprise and then a comfort, for her grandfather, instead, it becomes a possibility to make money. Gathering the most bizarre demands from the people of the neighborhood he makes his granddaughter draw what these people think they desire, not realising what they really need. An excursion to the city center of Palermo will give a twist to Scianel’s world and she will start filling her drawings with the marvellous images that have captured her glance and her heart. Succeeding in convincing, with great strife but also with determination, the other protagonists of this story to open their eyes in order to really see the beauty surrounding them. Listening, in the end, with attention, to the desires marked by the beats of their hearts.
Runtime: 1 hour 26 minutes